

Riichi rules around the world

This page is aimed at riichi mahjong rules specialists. If you're new to the game, you'd better read the detailed rules instead.
Those data come from the official rules shown on their organizations' website (see at the bottom of the page), and from various personal communications.
Thanks to everyone who helped me.
A special thanks to Barticle for his Japanese Mahjong Guide.
If you spot any mistake and/or have reliable data to fill the holes, please report them to me via the contact page of this website.

Scroll down to select the rules to display.
Hover the titles and fields marked with info to get more info.
Open tanyaoyesyesyesyesunknownyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesinfoyes / no (optional rule)yesyesyesyeskuitan食い断 / 喰いタン
After-attachingAllows to win by ron even if one or more of the tiles that a player is waiting on will not give a yaku.infoAllows to win by ron even if one or more of the tiles that a player is waiting on will not give a yaku.yesyesyesyesunknownyesyesyesyesyesyesyesunknownunknownyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesatozuke後付け
yes:Allows to call and discard the same tile, as well as switching a sequence.
soft:Forbids to call and discard the same tile, but allows sequence-switching.
hard:Forbids both.
no:Swap-calling is not allowed. The rulebook doesn't make it clear if it's the soft or hard version.

E.g. same tile: Call 1s, pon 111s, discard 1s.
E.g. sequence-switching: Call 1s, chii 123s, discard 4s.
yes:Allows to call and discard the same tile, as well as switching a sequence.
soft:Forbids to call and discard the same tile, but allows sequence-switching.
hard:Forbids both.
no:Swap-calling is not allowed. The rulebook doesn't make it clear if it's the soft or hard version.

E.g. same tile: Call 1s, pon 111s, discard 1s.
E.g. sequence-switching: Call 1s, chii 123s, discard 4s.
Starting points30k030k30k25k25k30k30k30k30k25k30kunknown30k29k25k25k30k25kunknown25k25k30kmochiten持ち点
Uma15/5+15/+5/-5/-1515/5+15/+5/-5/-15infoUma depends on how many players are "positive" (≥30k) or "negative" (<30k):
1 positive:+12/-1/-3/-8
2 positive:+8/+4/-4/-8
3 positive:+8/+3/+1/-12
all negative:+8/+4/-4/-8
(uma+oka: +50/+10/-10/-30)
(uma+oka: +50/+10/-10/-30)
(uma+oka: +20/0/0/0)
(uma+oka: +50/+10/-10/-30)
(uma+oka: +40/+10/-10/-20)
unknownunknownunknown0/00/0/0/0umaウマ / 順位点
 In case of tiedividedividedividedividedividedivideunknowndividedividedivideunknowndivideunknownbumpunknownN/AbumpdividebumpbumpunknownbumpN/A dōten 同点
Remaining riichi depositsRiichi deposits remaining on table when the hanchan ends:
final winner:The top player in points gets them.
take back:The player having declared riichi takes back their own deposit.
lost:Nobody takes the remaining riichi deposits.
infoRiichi deposits remaining on table when the hanchan ends:
final winner:The top player in points gets them.
take back:The player having declared riichi takes back their own deposit.
lost:Nobody takes the remaining riichi deposits.
lostfinal winnerlostlostfinal winnerunknownlostlostlostlostlostlostfinal winnerfinal winnertake backfinal winnerfinal winnerlostfinal winnerunknownunknownunknownfinal winnerhanchan shūryōtoki no riichibō半荘終了時のリーチ棒
Continuationtenpaitenpaitenpaitenpaitenpaitenpaitenpaiagaritenpaitenpaitenpaitenpaiagariinfotenpai or agari (optional rule)tenpaitenpaitenpaitenpaitenpaitenpaitenpaiagaritenpairenchan連荘 / レンチャン
Continuance pointsPoints for each continuance counter.infoPoints for each continuance counter.3x1003x1003x1003x1003x1003x1003x1003x1003x1003x1003x100003x100unknown3x1003x1003x1003x100unknownunknowninfo3x100 or 3x500 (optional rule)3x100tsumibō積み棒
Noten penalty300030003000300030003000300003000300030003000info
030003000unknown300030003000unknownunknown30003000noten batsufuノーテン罰符
 Ura dorayesyesnoyesyesyesyesnoyesnoyesnonoyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesunknownyes uradora 裏ドラ
 Kan dorayesyesnoyesyesyesyesnoyesnoyesnonoyesyesyesyesyesyesyesunknownunknownyes kandora 槓ドラ
 Kan ura dorayesyesnoyesyesyesyesnoyesnoyesnonoyesyesyesyesyesyesyesunknownunknownyes kanuradora 槓表ドラ
 Red fivesAll rules listed here that use red fives use one red five in each suit.infoAll rules listed here that use red fives use one red five in each suit.nonononoyesnononononoyesnonononononoyesyesyesunknownyesno akadora 赤ドラ
PrecedencePriority rules for calling.
first:first caller, if simultaneous: ron → pon/kan → chii.
ron → first:ron → first caller, if simultaneous: pon/kan → chii.
ron → pon:ron → pon/kan → chii.
3 sec.:ron (if within 3 seconds) → pon/kan (if within 3 seconds) → chii.
0.5 sec.:ron (if within 3 seconds) → pon/kan (if within 0.5 seconds) → chii.
infoPriority rules for calling.
first:first caller, if simultaneous: ron → pon/kan → chii.
ron → first:ron → first caller, if simultaneous: pon/kan → chii.
ron → pon:ron → pon/kan → chii.
3 sec.:ron (if within 3 seconds) → pon/kan (if within 3 seconds) → chii.
0.5 sec.:ron (if within 3 seconds) → pon/kan (if within 0.5 seconds) → chii.
ron → firstron → ponron → firstunknownron → ponron → ponunknownron → ponfirstfirstfirstron → ponunknowninfo"first" or "ron → first", I don't know.ron → firstron → pon0.5 sec.firstunknownron → ponron → ponfirstunknowninfo"first" or "ron → first", I don't know.ron → ponyūsen優先
Double ron
yes:All winners are paid.
bump:"Head bump" Only one winner: the one closer to the discarder, in the turn order.
first:Only one winner: the fastest to declare the win, or head bump if simultaneous.
cancel:Cancel the hand.
yes:All winners are paid.
bump:"Head bump" Only one winner: the one closer to the discarder, in the turn order.
first:Only one winner: the fastest to declare the win, or head bump if simultaneous.
cancel:Cancel the hand.
bumpyesbumpbumpbumpbumpbumpbumpbumpbumpbumpbumpunknowninfo"bump" or "first", I don't know.firstbumpyesfirstbumpyesyesyesyesyesryan cha hōニ家和
Triple ron
yes:All winners are paid.
bump:"Head bump" Only one winner: the one closer to the discarder, in the turn order.
first:Only one winner: the fastest to declare the win, or head bump if simultaneous.
cancel:Cancel the hand.
yes:All winners are paid.
bump:"Head bump" Only one winner: the one closer to the discarder, in the turn order.
first:Only one winner: the fastest to declare the win, or head bump if simultaneous.
cancel:Cancel the hand.
bumpyesbumpbumpbumpbumpbumpbumpbumpbumpbumpbumpunknowninfo"bump" or "first", I don't know.firstcancelcancelfirstbumpcancelyescancelyesyessan cha hō三家和
 Continuance paymentWho gets the continuance counters in case of multiple winner.
bump:Only the player closer to the discarder, in turn order.
all:Each winner gets full payment.
infoWho gets the continuance counters in case of multiple winner.
bump:Only the player closer to the discarder, in turn order.
all:Each winner gets full payment.
N/AallN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AunknownN/AN/Abumpbumpbumpunknownunknown tsumibō 積み棒
 Riichi deposits paymentN/AbumpN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AunknownN/AN/Aunknownbumpunknownunknownunknown riichibō リーチ棒
Temporary furiten durationTemporary furiten duration (for a non-riichi hand).
player's discard:The player stops to be temporary furiten on their next discard.
interrupt:The player stops to be temporary furiten on their next discard, or when any player calls to make a group.
infoTemporary furiten duration (for a non-riichi hand).
player's discard:The player stops to be temporary furiten on their next discard.
interrupt:The player stops to be temporary furiten on their next discard, or when any player calls to make a group.
player's discardplayer's discardplayer's discardplayer's discardunknownunknownplayer's discardplayer's discardunknownunknownunknownplayer's discardunknownunknownplayer's discardplayer's discardunknownplayer's discardplayer's discardunknownunknownunknowninterruptdojun'nai furiten no sonzoku同巡内フリテンの存続
Two-han minimumTwo han minimum when there are five or more counters. Hans must come from yakus, not from doras.infoTwo han minimum when there are five or more counters. Hans must come from yakus, not from doras.nononononononononononononononoyesnononounknownunknownunknownnoryanhan shibari二飜縛り
Kandora timingWhether the kandora indicator is revealed before or after discarding.infoWhether the kandora indicator is revealed before or after discarding.kandora no noru timing槓ドラの乗るタイミング
 Called/Promoted quadbeforebeforeN/AunknownbeforeunknownunknownN/AunknownN/AunknownN/AN/Abeforeunknownunknownunknownunknownafterbeforeunknownunknownunknown minkan 大明槓、小明槓
 Concealed quadbeforebeforeN/AunknownbeforeunknownunknownN/AunknownN/AunknownN/AN/Abeforeunknownunknownunknownunknownbeforebeforeunknownunknownunknown ankan 暗槓
Abortive drawtochû ryūkyoku途中流局
 Nine term. / honoursnonononononononononononononoyesyesnonoyesyesyesnono kyū shu kyū hai 九種九牌
 Four windsnononononononononononononononoyesnonoyesyesyesnono sū fon renda 四風連打
 Four quadsnonononononononononononononoyesyesnonoyesyesyesnono sū kai kan 四開槓
 Four riichinonononononononononononononoyesyesnonoyesnononono sū cha riichi 四家立直
 Triple ronnonononononononononononononoyesyesnonoyesnoyesnono san cha hō 三家和
Continuation when abortionIn case of abortive draw:
yes:East player stays East.
no:The deal rotates (South player becomes East).
infoIn case of abortive draw:
yes:East player stays East.
no:The deal rotates (South player becomes East).
N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AunknownunknownN/AN/AyesunknownnoN/AN/Atochû ryūkyoku no bāi wa renchan途中流局の場合は連荘
Nb quads max444unknown4unknown444444infiniteunknown444unknown444unknown4kan no kaisū seigenカンの回数制限
Liability paymentsekinin barai / pao責任払い / 包
 Big Dragonsyesyesyesyesyesnonononononoyesnoyesnoyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes daisangen 大三元
 Big Windsyesyesyesyesyesnonononononoyesnoyesnoyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes daisūshi 大四喜
 Four Quadsyesnoyesyesyesnonononononononoyesnoyesyesyesnoyesyesyesyes sūkantsu 四槓子
 After a QuadAfter a Quad on a called quad ("big melded quad") is a win by ron.infoAfter a Quad on a called quad ("big melded quad") is a win by ron.nonononononononononononounknownunknownnoyesnonounknownnonounknownyes rinshan kaihō 嶺上開花
Continuance paymentWho pays the continuance counters in case of liability.
feeder:Player who had feed the hand.
discarder:Player who discarded to winning tile.
infoWho pays the continuance counters in case of liability.
feeder:Player who had feed the hand.
discarder:Player who discarded to winning tile.
discarderdiscarderdiscarderdiscarderunknownN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AunknownN/Afeederunknowndiscarderfeederunknownunknownunknowndiscardertsumibō no futan積み棒の負担
Apply if other yakumanyesyesunknownunknownunknownN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AyesN/AunknownN/Aunknownyesunknownyesunknownunknownunknownyesfukugō yakuman o fukumu複合役満を含む
Agari yameEast can stop the game if he wins the last hand.
1st:Only if East is first.
1;2:Only if East is first or second.
infoEast can stop the game if he wins the last hand.
1st:Only if East is first.
1;2:Only if East is first or second.
nonononounknownnononononononounknown1styesunknown1styes1st1st1;2;31;2noagari yameアガリ止め
Tenpai yameEast can stop the game if he is tenpai on the last hand.
1st:Only if East is first.
1;2:Only if East is first or second.
infoEast can stop the game if he is tenpai on the last hand.
1st:Only if East is first.
1;2:Only if East is first or second.
nonononounknownnononononononounknownnounknownunknownnono1stno1;2;3nonotenpai yameテンパイ止め
 AutomaticAutomatic agari / tenpai yame, depending on East player's rank.infoAutomatic agari / tenpai yame, depending on East player's rank.N/AN/AN/AN/AunknownN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/Aunknownnounknownunknownunknownyesyesunknown1st1stN/A ōtoma jūryō オートマ終了
≤ 0:The game ends when a player's score reach zero (or less).
< 0:The game ends when a player's score becomes negative. The game continue when a player has exactly zero point.
≤ 0:The game ends when a player's score reach zero (or less).
< 0:The game ends when a player's score becomes negative. The game continue when a player has exactly zero point.
nonononononononononononononoyes< 0no< 0< 0≤ 0< 0< 0notobi / hakoware飛び / 箱割れ
 Riichi: 1000pts minPlayers must have at least 1000 points to declare riichi.infoPlayers must have at least 1000 points to declare riichi.N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AunknownunknownN/AyesyesunknownyesyesN/A 1000ten o kiru to riichi 1000点を切るとリーチ
Max pointsGame ends if someone gets the points' limit (or more).infoGame ends if someone gets the points' limit (or more).nonononononononononononononounknownnonononounknown60knonotoppu uchikiriトップ打ち切り
West roundnononononononononononononononoyesnounknownyesunknownunknownunknownnoshānyū西入
 Sudden deathThe West round ends when someone reach the goal (30k points) or more.infoThe West round ends when someone reach the goal (30k points) or more.N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AyesinfoMust end with a winning hand (i.e. no final victory on a draw or chonbo).N/AunknownyesunknownunknownunknownN/A sadon desu サドンデス
Waremenononononononononononononononononononoinfoyes / no (optional rule)nononowareme割れ目 / ワレメ
Winning: +2 hanyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesbazoro no ni han場ゾロの2飜
Mangan rounding up4 han 30 fu and 3 han 60 fu are scored as mangan.info4 han 30 fu and 3 han 60 fu are scored as mangan.yesnonoyesyesyesyesnoyesyesyesnoyesnononoyesyesnounknownunknownunknownnokiriage mangan切り上げ満貫
Counted yakuman13 han and more is scored as yakuman.info13 han and more is scored as yakuman.nononononononononononononoinfoThere is no sanbaiman, so I presume non-yakuman hands are limited to baiman.yesyesyesinfoNot cumulative with other yakumans.nonoyesyesunknownunknownyeskazoe yakuman数え役満
Yakuman stackingyesnoyesyesyesyesyesnonononononoyesnoyesyesyesyesyesunknownunknownyesfukugō yakuman複合役満 / 役満重複
Furiten riichiAllows to declare riichi while being furiten.infoAllows to declare riichi while being furiten.yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesnoyesyesyesyesyesyesunknownyesunknownyesfuriten riichiフリテンリーチ
Riichi without a next drawAllows to declare riichi if you don't have a next draw.infoAllows to declare riichi if you don't have a next draw.nonoyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesunknownunknownunknownunknownunknownyesunknownunknownunknownunknownunknowntsumoban ga nakutemo riichiツモ番がなくてもリーチ
Riichi on the last tilenononoyesnoyesyesnoyesyesyesyesunknownunknownunknownunknownunknownyesunknownunknownunknownunknownunknownhaitei riichi海底リーチ
Concealed quad after riichiyesyesyesyesyesyesyesnoyesyesyesnonoyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesunknownyesriichi ato no ankanリーチ後の暗槓
 On any tileAllows to declare a concealed quad after riichi, even if the drawn tile doesn't match the quad.
yes:A quad after riichi can be completed with a tile from the hand, or with the drawn tile.
no:A quad after riichi can only be completed with the drawn tile.
infoAllows to declare a concealed quad after riichi, even if the drawn tile doesn't match the quad.
yes:A quad after riichi can be completed with a tile from the hand, or with the drawn tile.
no:A quad after riichi can only be completed with the drawn tile.
nonononounknownnonoN/AnononoN/AN/Anononononounknownnounknownunknownno nandemo pai なんでも牌
 If changes waitAllows to declare a concealed quad after riichi, even if the new hand is not waiting on the exact same tiles.
E.g.: 11123s RRR GGG EE, waiting on 1s / 4s / E ; by making a kan of 1s, the hand would only wait on 4s.
(Please note: changing the wait would also change the hand structure.)
infoAllows to declare a concealed quad after riichi, even if the new hand is not waiting on the exact same tiles.
E.g.: 11123s RRR GGG EE, waiting on 1s / 4s / E ; by making a kan of 1s, the hand would only wait on 4s.
(Please note: changing the wait would also change the hand structure.)
nonononounknownunknownnoN/AnononoN/AN/Anonononononononounknownno machi ga kawaru 待ちが変わる
 If changes hand structure
yes:Allows to declare a concealed quad after riichi, even if it changes the hand structure.
no:The hand structure must stay the same. The three other tiles can only be interpreted as a triplet in the original riichi hand, even considering for combinations giving the hand a lower value.
E.g.: The hand 666s 777s 888s RR EE can also be interpreted as 678s 678s 678s RR EE. Making a quad of 6s, 7s or 8s would make the second interpretation impossible, thus changing the hand structure.
yes:Allows to declare a concealed quad after riichi, even if it changes the hand structure.
no:The hand structure must stay the same. The three other tiles can only be interpreted as a triplet in the original riichi hand, even considering for combinations giving the hand a lower value.
E.g.: The hand 666s 777s 888s RR EE can also be interpreted as 678s 678s 678s RR EE. Making a quad of 6s, 7s or 8s would make the second interpretation impossible, thus changing the hand structure.
nonononounknownunknownnoN/AnononoN/AN/Anononononoyesnounknownunknownno tehai kōsei ga kawaru 手牌構成が変わる
 If changes yakuAllows to declare a concealed quad after riichi, even if it changes the hand's yaku.
E.g.: 123s 1111m 1111p 555p E ; by making a kan of 5p, the hand would gain the Three Quads yaku.
infoAllows to declare a concealed quad after riichi, even if it changes the hand's yaku.
E.g.: 123s 1111m 1111p 555p E ; by making a kan of 5p, the hand would gain the Three Quads yaku.
yesyesinfoConcealed quad after riichi is forbidden if it lowers the score.infoConcealed quad after riichi is forbidden if it lowers the score.yesyesyesN/AyesyesyesN/AN/Ayesyesyesyesyesyesyesunknownunknownunknown teyaku ga kawaru 役が変わる
Thirteen Orphans: allows to rob a concealed quadnoyesnounknownunknownnonononononononounknownunknownyesnounknownnoyesyesunknownyeskokushi no ankan agari国士無双の暗槓アガリ
All Green: must have Green Dragonnonononounknownnononounknownunknownunknownnonononononononononounknownnoryūiisō: hatsu緑一色・發牌
Last Tile Draw after a quadAllows Last Tile Draw on a replacement tile. Thus, allows to score Last Tile Draw and After a Quad at the same time.infoAllows Last Tile Draw on a replacement tile. Thus, allows to score Last Tile Draw and After a Quad at the same time.nonononononononounknownunknownunknownnounknownunknownnononounknownnounknownnounknownyeshaitei rinshan海底摸月・嶺上開花
Nagashi Mangan: count as a win
yes:Nagashi Mangan is a yaku, and count as a win.
no:Nagashi Mangan replaces the tenpai/noten payment. Wind rotation is resolved by East player status.
yes:Nagashi Mangan is a yaku, and count as a win.
no:Nagashi Mangan replaces the tenpai/noten payment. Wind rotation is resolved by East player status.
N/AN/AN/AunknownN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AyesyesyesN/AN/Anounknownyesyesyesnagashi mangan wa agari yaku koite流し満貫はアガリ役扱いで
Shape tenpaiAs used here, "shape tenpai" means waiting without any yaku, empty wait, and waiting while being furiten.
Despite its exact definition seems to vary from one author to another, methinks it's more a terms than a rulepoints issue.
infoAs used here, "shape tenpai" means waiting without any yaku, empty wait, and waiting while being furiten.
Despite its exact definition seems to vary from one author to another, methinks it's more a terms than a rulepoints issue.
yesyesyesyesunknownyesyesyesyesyesyesyesunknownyesunknownyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyeskeishiki tenpai形式テンパイ / 形聴
 5th tile in own handThe hand needs five identical tiles.infoThe hand needs five identical tiles.nonononounknownnononononononounknownunknownunknownnononoyesnonounknownyes gomaime o matsu tenpai 5枚目を待つ聴牌
Double Riichihan_2han_1p1han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_nohan_2han_2han_1p1han_2han_2han_2han_2unknownunknownhan_2daburu riichiダブル立直
Open Riichihan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_2han_noinfoAllowed for casual games ; forbidden during competitions.han_nohan_nohan_nohan_nounknownunknownhan_2infoYakuman if won on discard of a player who did not riichi. Otherwise: 2 han.open riichiオープン立直
Fully Concealed Handhan_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1unknownunknownhan_1menzen tsumo門前清自摸
All InsideAll Simpleshan_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1unknownunknownhan_1tan'yao断么九
Twin SequencesPure Double Chowhan_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1unknownunknownhan_1iipeikō一盃口
Double Twin SequencesTwice Pure Double Chowhan_3han_3han_3han_3han_3han_3han_3han_3han_3han_3han_3han_3han_1p1han_3han_3han_3han_3han_3han_3han_3unknownunknownhan_3ryanpeikō二盃口
Value HonourYakuhaihan_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_nohan_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1unknownunknownhan_1yakuhai役牌
Double Windhan_1p1han_1p1han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_1p1han_nohan_1p1han_1p1han_1p1han_2han_2han_1p1han_2unknownunknownhan_1p1renfonpai連風牌
Robbing a Quadhan_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1unknownunknownhan_1chankan搶槓
After a Quadhan_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1unknownunknownhan_1rinshan kaihō嶺上開花
Last Tile Drawhan_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_nohan_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1unknownunknownhan_1haitei海底摸月
Last Tile Claimhan_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_nohan_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1han_1unknownunknownhan_1hōtei川底撈魚
Seven Pairshan_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_1eq2infoSeven Pairs is 1 han 50 fu, or 2 han in case of mangan and more.han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_1eq2infoSeven Pairs is 1 han 50 fu, or 2 han in case of mangan and more.unknownunknownhan_2chiitoitsu七対子
Full StraightPure Straighthan_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1unknownunknownhan_2_1ikkitsūkan / ittsū一気通貫
Mixed SequencesMixed Triple Chowhan_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1unknownunknownhan_2_1sanshoku dōjun三色同順
Triple Tripletshan_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2unknownunknownhan_2sanshoku dōkō三色同刻
All Tripletshan_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2unknownunknownhan_2toitoi対々和
Three Concealed Tripletshan_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2unknownunknownhan_2san'ankō三暗刻
Three Quadshan_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2han_2unknownunknownhan_2sankantsu三槓子
Common EndsOutside Handhan_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1han_2_1unknownunknownhan_2_1chanta全帯ヤオ
Perfect EndsTerminals in All Setshan_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2unknownunknownhan_3_2junchan純全帯
Common TerminalsAll Terminals and Honourshan_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2unknownunknownhan_2p2honrōtō混老頭
Little DragonsLittle Three Dragonshan_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_4han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2han_2p2unknownunknownhan_2p2shōsangen小三元
Common FlushHalf Flushhan_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2han_3_2unknownunknownhan_3_2hon'itsu混一色
Perfect FlushFull Flushhan_6_5han_6_5han_6_5han_6_5han_6_5han_6_5han_6_5han_6_5han_6_5han_6_5han_6_5han_6_5han_5han_6_5han_6_5han_6_5han_6_5han_6_5han_6_5han_6_5unknownunknownhan_6_5chin'itsu清一色
Nagashi Manganhan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nomanganhan_5manganhan_nohan_nomanganhan_5infoHead bump in case of several Nagashi Mangan.manganmanganmangannagashi mangan流し満貫
Blessing of Manmanganmanganmanganmanganhan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_noyakumanhan_5manganhan_nomanganhan_noyakumanhan_8unknownmanganrenhō人和
Blessing of Heavenyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanhan_noyakumanhan_13yakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanunknownunknownyakumantenhō天和
Blessing of Earthyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanhan_noyakumanhan_13yakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanunknownunknownyakumanchihō地和
Thirteen Orphansyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanhan_13yakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanunknownunknownyakumankokushi musō国士無双
Nine Gatesyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanhan_13yakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanunknownunknownyakumanchūren pōto九蓮宝燈
All Greenyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanhan_13yakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanunknownunknownyakumanryūiisō緑一色
Four Concealed Tripletsyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanhan_13yakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanunknownunknownyakumansūankō四暗刻
Four Quadsyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanhan_13yakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanunknownunknownyakumansūkantsu四槓子
Perfect TerminalsAll Terminalsyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanhan_13yakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanunknownunknownyakumanchinrōtō清老頭
All Honoursyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanhan_13yakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanunknownunknownyakumantsūiisō字一色
Big DragonsBig Three Dragonsyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanhan_13yakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanunknownunknownyakumandaisangen大三元
Little WindsLittle Four Windsyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanhan_noyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanunknownunknownyakumanshōsūshi小四喜
Big WindsBig Four Windsyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanhan_13double_yakumanyakumanyakumanyakumandouble_yakumanunknownunknownyakumandaisūshi大四喜
Thirteen Orphans on 13 waitsyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanhan_13double_yakumanyakumanyakumanyakumandouble_yakumanunknownunknowndouble_yakumankokushimusō jūsan men machi国士無双 十三面待ち
Nine Gates on 9 waitsyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanhan_13double_yakumanyakumanyakumanyakumandouble_yakumanunknownunknowndouble_yakumanchūrenpōtō kyū men machi九蓮宝燈 九面待ち
Four Concealed Triplets on the pairyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanyakumanhan_13double_yakumanyakumanyakumanyakumandouble_yakumanunknownunknowndouble_yakumansūankō tanki machi四暗刻 卖騎待ち
Pairs 2 to 8 in the same suithan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_noyakumanhan_noyakumanhan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nounknownunknownyakumandaisharin大車輪
13 isolated tileshan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nomanganhan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nounknownunknownmanganshiisan pūtā十三不塔
8 consecutive winshan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nounknownunknownyakumanpā renchan八連荘
Other yakushan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nohan_nounknownunknownmoreinfo
Sanrenkou :2 han
Suurenkou :yakuman
Iisou Sanshun :2 han
Iisou Suushun :yakuman
Beni Kujaku :yakuman
Kinkei Dokuritsu :mangan
Otakaze San Kou :2 han
Uu Men Sai :2 han, closed only, sequential are allowed
Go Zoku Kyouwa :yakuman, closed only, triplets only
Tsubame Gaeshi :1 han
Shou Sharin :2 han
Hyakuman Goku :yakuman
Ao no Doumon :Yakuman, must be 2, 4, 8 pinzu and winds
Kinmonkyou :2 han, with any pair, may be open
Dai Kinmonkyou :yakuman, with pair of the same colour and closed hand
Kachou Fugetsu :yakuman
Fuuka Setsugetsu :yakuman
hoka no yaku他の役
Winning20 fu20 fu20 fu20 fu20 fu20 fu20 fu20 fuunknownunknownunknown20 fuunknownunknown20 fuunknownunknown20 fu20 fuunknownunknownunknown20 fufūtei副底
 Seven pairsNo other minipoints are added.infoNo other minipoints are added.25 fu25 fu25 fu25 fufu_2525 fu25 fu25 fu25 fu25 fu25 fu25 fu50 fuinfoSeven Pairs is 1 han 50 fu, or 2 han in case of mangan and more.unknown25 fuunknownunknown25 fu25 fu50 fuinfoSeven Pairs is 1 han 50 fu, or 2 han in case of mangan and more.unknown25 fu25 fu chiitoitsu no fu 七対子の符
Winning by calling a tile on a closed hand10 fu10 fu10 fu10 fu10 fu10 fu10 fu10 fuunknownunknownunknown10 fuunknownunknown10 fuunknownunknown10 fu10 fuunknownunknownunknown10 fumenzen ron門前ロン
Winning by self-draw2 fu2 fu2 fu2 fu2 fu2 fu2 fu2 fuunknownunknownunknown2 fuunknownunknown2 fuunknownunknown2 fu2 fuunknown2 fuunknown2 futsumo tenツモ符
 Pinfu yakuScores the minipoints for self-draw in case of winning with a pinfu hand.
If yes, the hand does not have the pinfu yaku.
infoScores the minipoints for self-draw in case of winning with a pinfu hand.
If yes, the hand does not have the pinfu yaku.
nonononononononounknownunknownunknownnounknownunknownnounknownunknownnononounknownunknownnopinfu tsumo ten 平和ツモ符
 Replacement tileScores the minipoints for self-draw in case of winning on a replacement tile.infoScores the minipoints for self-draw in case of winning on a replacement tile.yesyesyes2 fuyesyesyesyes2 fu2 fu2 fu2 fuunknownunknownunknown0 fu2 fu2 fuyesunknownnounknownnorinshan tsumo ten 嶺上ツモ符
Edge / Middle / Pair wait2 fu2 fuinfo
Edge wait:2 fu
Closed wait:2 fu
Pair wait
- suit:2 fu
- value-less wind:2 fu
- value honour:4 fu
- double wind:6 fu
unknown2 fu2 fu2 fu2 fuunknownunknownunknown2 fuunknownunknown2 fuunknowninfoPair wait, honours:
- ron:4 fu
- tsumo:6 fu
unknown2 fuunknownunknownunknown2 fupenchan•kanchan•tanki辺張・嵌張・単騎
Open pinfuRon on an open hand with a pinfu shape (but not the pinfu yaku).infoRon on an open hand with a pinfu shape (but not the pinfu yaku).2 fu2 fu10 fuunknown10 fu10 fu10 fu10 fuunknownunknownunknown10 fuunknownunknown2 fuunknownunknownunknown2~10 fuRon with an otherwise points-free hand is 30 fu, but I don't have the detail.unknownunknownunknown2 fukui pinfu喰い平和
Pair0; 00; 00; 00; 00; 00; 00; 00; 0unknownunknownunknown0; 0unknownunknown0; 0unknownunknown0; 00; 0unknownunknownunknown0; 0toitsu対ツ
 Value honour.2 fu2 fu2 fu2 fu2 fu2 fu2 fu2 fu2 fu2 fu2 fu2 fuunknownunknown2 fuunknownunknown2 fu2 fuunknown2 fuunknown2 fu iifanpai no toitsu 一翻牌の対ツ
 Double wind2 fu4 fu2 fu2 fu2 fu2 fu2 fu2 fu2 fu2 fu2 fu2 fu2 fuunknownunknown4 fu2 fu2 fu4 fuunknown2 fuunknown2 fu renfonpai no toitsu 連風牌の対ツ
Melded sequence0; 00; 00; 00; 00; 00; 00; 00; 0unknownunknownunknown0; 0unknownunknown0; 0unknownunknown0; 00; 0unknownunknownunknown0; 0minjun明ジュンツ
Concealed sequence0; 00; 00; 00; 00; 00; 00; 00; 0unknownunknownunknown0; 0unknownunknown0; 0unknownunknown0; 00; 0unknownunknownunknown0; 0anjun暗ジュンツ
Melded triplet2; 42; 42; 42; 42; 42; 42; 42; 4unknownunknownunknown2; 4unknownunknown2; 4unknownunknown2; 42; 4unknownunknownunknown2; 4minkō明コーツ
Concealed triplet4; 84; 84; 84; 84; 84; 84; 84; 8unknownunknownunknown4; 8unknownunknown4; 8unknownunknown4; 84; 8unknownunknownunknown4; 8ankô暗コーツ
Melded quad8; 168; 168; 168; 168; 168; 168; 168; 16unknownunknownunknown8; 16unknownunknown8; 16unknownunknown8; 168; 16unknownunknownunknown8; 16minkan明カン
Concealed quad16; 3216; 3216; 3216; 3216; 3216; 3216; 3216; 32unknownunknownunknown16; 32unknownunknown16; 32unknownunknown16; 3216; 32unknownunknownunknown16; 32ankan暗カン

Organisations list

[zz]World Riichi ChampionshipWRCChampionship2013 
[eu]European Mahjong AssociationEMAMulti-national org.2005infoinfo403 (in 2016)
Japan Professional Mahjong League日本プロ麻雀連盟Professional league1981629 (in 2014)
M LeagueMリーグProfessional league2018 
Nihon Pro Mahjong日本プロ麻雀協会Professional league2001295 (in 2014)
Saikouisen最高位戦Professional league1976274 (in 2014)
Real Mahjong UnitRMUProfessional league200733 (in 2014)
Mahjong Unionµ! 麻将連合Professional league199753 (in 2014)
101101競技規定Professional league198223 (in 2015)
[kr]Korean Mahjong League한국마작연맹은National federation  
[us]United States Professional Mahjong LeagueUSPMLNational federation  
[ca]Montreal Riichi ClubClub2013info 
[ar]Club Argentino de Riichi MahjongClub2007info72 (in 2017)
Ron²龍龍Online game  
Tenhou天鳳Online game  
Maru-JanOnline game  
Marchaoマーチャオ Parlour1998 
[xs]Upper Silesian Mahjong AssociatonUSMAAmateur league2017info79 (in 2017)


infoHover to get more info.
yesYes / Rulepoint applied.
noNo / Rulepoint not applied.
N/ANot applicable.
unknownMissing data. Please contact me if you have reliable info.
16; 3216 fu for a group of simples tiles (2-8).
32 fu for a group of terminals (1, 9, Honours).
han_22 han (cumulative with other yaku and dora).
han_2_12 han on closed hand, 1 han on open hand.
han_2p22 han, plus 2 han because it always includes another yaku.
Or scores twice a lower version of the yaku.
manganMangan, not cumulative.
double_yakumanDouble yakuman.